Hello there,
As for the author talking to you from beyond the screen, my name is Alessandro Regio. I hold a bachelors degree in both Political Science (International Security) and Philosophy from the University of Washington in Seattle. My inspirations for writing are many. My main interest in politics comes from my being Italian and seeing what bad politics can do to a people first hand; in that sense I feel motivated to write about what can be improved about our political world. On the opposite side of the coin the states have shown me what good politics can do for people; in that sense I feel motivated to write in order to be part of this ongoing experiment in democracy. In some way, shape or form, I try to intertwine the concrete dealings of recent political events with the appropriate philosophical accoutrement to add the depth that a topic needs and is rarely given in today's world.
On a lighter note, interests of mine outside of politics and philosophy are varied. I enjoy all sorts of music, but I do take a special liking to classical music when I write. I am a proud fan of all Seattle sports teams (yes, even the Sonics), but you will always find me rooting for Juventus and Scuderia Ferrari on Sunday afternoons. Like any able Italian I do indulge in cookery and all things family.
I hope you enjoy the blog and more importantly I hope to get a chance to have great discussions with you all. Happy reading,
-Alessandro Regio
Founder of Academy
As for the author talking to you from beyond the screen, my name is Alessandro Regio. I hold a bachelors degree in both Political Science (International Security) and Philosophy from the University of Washington in Seattle. My inspirations for writing are many. My main interest in politics comes from my being Italian and seeing what bad politics can do to a people first hand; in that sense I feel motivated to write about what can be improved about our political world. On the opposite side of the coin the states have shown me what good politics can do for people; in that sense I feel motivated to write in order to be part of this ongoing experiment in democracy. In some way, shape or form, I try to intertwine the concrete dealings of recent political events with the appropriate philosophical accoutrement to add the depth that a topic needs and is rarely given in today's world.
On a lighter note, interests of mine outside of politics and philosophy are varied. I enjoy all sorts of music, but I do take a special liking to classical music when I write. I am a proud fan of all Seattle sports teams (yes, even the Sonics), but you will always find me rooting for Juventus and Scuderia Ferrari on Sunday afternoons. Like any able Italian I do indulge in cookery and all things family.
I hope you enjoy the blog and more importantly I hope to get a chance to have great discussions with you all. Happy reading,
-Alessandro Regio
Founder of Academy